Too Much Clutter And No Enough Space

The Minimalists Use a Four-Box Method to Get Rid of Clutter

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What To Do If You Have Too Much Clutter

Many people would love to try living a minimalistic lifestyle but don’t know how and where to begin. Clutter is a problem many people have. Regardless of how clean you like to keep your home, you most likely still suffer from it.

Having too many possessions can make simple tasks seem daunting. Yet, we find it difficult to let go of our litter in fear of having a need for it in the future and no longer having it. As this vicious cycle keeps up, the small area of clutter you have on your desk will become a big pile before you know it.

Using the four-box method, we will teach you how to get rid of your excess stuff. We will teach you how to gather the courage and self-discipline required to let go of your unnecessary possessions, including the ones that may hold some sentimental value.


How would you know if you have too much stuff?

Is your personal property taking over your space? In many cases, we can become immune to the number of items we accumulate over time because we have grown accustomed to them always being there. If you’re feeling like the clutter in your home is getting out of control, you may be right. It can take up space and feel like it’s consuming your life. It’s time to reclaim your space from too much stuff.

What possessions do you really need?

Possessions that should be kept vary from case to case. But essentially, the things you find yourself reaching out for regularly are the things worth keeping.

You can apply this straightforward decluttering method to get to the bottom of your decluttering problem. You just need to prepare at least four boxes and a bit of motivation to begin.

four-box method

Prepare and label at least four boxes

Step one is preparing four boxes, one of which will serve as a trash bin. You can use whatever you have available. It can be cardboard boxes or cloth sacks since they will only serve as temporary containers. Find a way to differentiate each container from the others Step one is preparing four boxes, one of which will serve as a trash bin. You can use whatever you have available. It can be cardboard boxes or cloth sacks since they will only serve as temporary containers. Find a way to differentiate each container from the others to avoid accidentally mistaking them. You can choose to color code or use different shapes of containers for each category, but the easiest way is to just print labels for each of them.


It would help if you tried to keep this box the one with the least number of items in it. The things that end up in this box are the ones that are often used but need to be placed in their rightful spots. If an item in the keep pile can be permanently placed in the area you are currently cleaning out, do not bother putting it in the box. Just place it where it belongs right away


Valuable items that you no longer have a use for should go in this box. It may be tempting to donate everything you no longer need regardless of its condition, but consider which items will still be of great use to others. Think about the people that will be receiving your donation. If a piece of clothing is already ripped or riddled with holes, recycle it as a washcloth or a rag instead


You might think that it would be easier and quicker to just throw everything away. However, think of the people that can still benefit from the items that are still in good and useable condition. Take a second to assess if the item is good enough to be donated before tossing it into the bin. The stuff that should end up in this box is the ones that are beyond repair or recycling. The broken stereo you have been planning to fix for the past few months? Its rightful place is in the toss box.


If you are not determined to permanently get rid of all your excess stuff, filling this box will be quick and easy. This box should only be filled with stuff that you do not really need on a regular basis, but somehow you cannot let go. It could be seasonal items like Christmas or Halloween decor or your wedding gown

Go through one room at a time

The secret to succeeding with this method is to have the right mindset. Focus on your goal and keep in mind why you are doing all of this in the first place. Think of the promise of an efficient and organized home.

Here are some tips on how to assess your clutter:

Finish process one area before moving on to the next

If an area is too big or too messy, choose a corner and start there. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed.

You do not have to finish decluttering the entire house in a single day

It could take time to balance the amount of space you have available and the amount of stuff you have. Take your time to think and process everything.

Assess all the items separately

It is crucial to assess each object individually and carefully think of its purpose in your life for this method to work. If you go through all the items without giving them much thought, you will only end up with a “keep” and a “store” box full of things that will only end up as clutter again in a few weeks. You will be stuck in a clutter cycle that will never stop.

Ask yourself these questions about each item

Do you want to keep it or just donate it? Is it worth storing? Should it go to the toss box? If you find yourself having a hard time figuring out where a specific item should go, ask yourself these questions:

Do you use it regularly?

Do you want to keep it or just donate it? Is it worth storing? Should it go to the toss box? If you find yourself having a hard time figuring out where a specific item should go, ask yourself these questions:

If you don’t have it, would you buy it again?

There is no use getting rid of something that you will be replacing again soon. You will not just waste time and energy in getting rid of that item, but you will also waste money.


Does it have sentimental value to you?

Is it something that means a lot to you? Is it something irreplaceable? In the words of a decluttering guru, Marie Kondo, does it spark joy?

Surely, these questions will help keep you focused on your goal. But if you are still having a hard time, keep in mind that getting rid of excess stuff is not an easy feat. If you cannot let it go because of its sentimental meaning to you, consider taking a picture of it as remembrance, then get rid of the actual item. But if you are still having second thoughts, put it in a separate box temporarily while you think it over. If you have not used or even thought much about what is in the box in the next few months, then get rid of it permanently.

Being aware of the reason why you are keeping some things is the first step to letting them go. If it is an item that you have not used or enjoyed in the past few months, maybe it would do you better to let it go.

It would be best if you kept making conscious steps towards your goal of reducing the clutter you own. Don’t just keep adding things in your home without letting go of other older stuff that no longer serves you.

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