Tips for Deep Cleaning and Reorganizing Your Storage Unit

5 Tips to Help You with Storage Unit Organization

Do you know how dreadful and chaotic cleaning out a self-storage unit can be?

Regardless if you have inherited it from a relative, won it at an auction, or simply have not had the chance to visit for a long time, cleaning out a self-storage unit will always be a daunting task.

Organizing a storage unit can provide many benefits, such as:

  1. Reducing the headache and hassle of storing possessions without cluttering your primary area.
  2. Being able to find possessions quickly.
  3. Utilizing space efficiently to store as much stuff as possible.
  4. Maximizing space makes finding things easier and prevents them from getting lost or damaged.
  5. Having a simplified storage solution that does exactly what it’s supposed to.
  6. Reducing clutter in the home by being able to store items that are no longer in use.

Let us show you a practical way of cleaning out your self-storage unit, deciding which items can go to charity, and how to do away with the rest.

Tips for efficient storage unit organization

Do you know the most efficient method to eliminate junk in your self-storage unit?

You can exploit these tips to make deep cleaning and filtering clutter in your self-storage unit successful without breaking a sweat.

Have an inventory of the stuff inside the unit

Having an inventory of the stuff inside your storage unit is important because it allows you to document everything in storage for insurance purposes and helps you easily find things in the unit if you ever need to.

Creating an inventory also helps you save time when unpacking or navigating the unit, and it can help you remember what you stored inside and where you placed it.

Moreover, there are digital inventory apps that make creating an inventory of your self-storage unit items a snap.

Having an inventory of your items can save you a lot of time and stress, so it is highly recommended that you create one.

Here are some tips for assessing the unit:

  1. List what you see – Have paper and pen handy, so you can list the bigger things you immediately see. Make a tally of all the boxes to know how many you will need to go through and estimate how long it will take you to clean out. Will you require an extra pair of hands? Having an inventory will answer that question for you.
  2. Prepare some open space – If you do not have enough space, find a way to clear out at least a small corner where you can process everything. However, if there’s no way you can create even a small space inside the unit, you can set up a temporary booth outside. Just keep in mind that you must do the cleaning out your self-storage unit within business hours. Also, try not to block the entrance of the other units with your things.
  3. Peek what is inside the boxes – Check as many boxes as possible and quickly list as many of their contents as possible. You may skip this step if there are labels outside the boxes. You can also quickly note outside the box if the contents are fragile, valuable, or important.

Preparing an inventory before you begin to sort through everything will give you an idea of how much work to expect.

Proper organization and decluttering of a self storage unit takes time, you have to allot ample time to ensure you perform the task effeciently.

Allot ample time and ask for help with decluttering

To reduce the possibility of getting overwhelmed, it is crucial to be prepared for what may come.

Pick a day and allow ample time to complete the cleaning.

Prepare some moving supplies like the following:

  1. labels
  2. garbage bags
  3. sorting totes

Before you can start cleaning out, however, keep this in mind:

How long do you think it will take you?

It’s better to overestimate and have more time than rush things and not be able to do a proper cleanout.

It’s okay if you think it will take more than an entire day to do everything.

Plan correspondingly so you can complete the task without worrying about the time.

How many people will it take to get the job done?

It would be helpful to have someone help you through the process.

The more aid you receive, the faster and less stressful the cleanout.

Ask for assistance ahead of time and ensure you have all kinds of support you may need.

Emotional support if you are clearing out a loved one’s unit or physical support to help with the heavy lifting.

storage unit organization

Assess any sentimental attachments you may have towards any of the items inside

Remember that going through things that may hold sentimental value to you can be an arduous process.

It is natural, so do not feel bad about getting emotional when you encounter things that remind you of someone who means a lot to you.

Sort the items into toss, sell, and keep piles

Sorting clutter into four piles is highly effective if you are trying to clear out a room on a large scale.

The basis of this method is to have four boxes ready to be filled with items you would like to keep, sell/donate, store, and toss.


You would like to take these things home with you from the self-storage unit.


Items that are still in good condition but you no longer have a use for can either be sold at a yard sale or donated to people in need.

It is up to you to decide which route you want to go with these things.


These are the items you would like to remain in the self-storage unit.


Things that are broken and can no longer be fixed should go into the toss pile.

Keeping these items is no use, for they will only serve as clutter.

Avoid getting sidetracked by random finds inside the storage unit and remain focus at your goals oof having your storage unit organized.

Focus on the task at hand

The biggest mistake you can commit while cleaning out your self-storage unit is not meeting the deadline you set for yourself.

If you find yourself stuck even after following the tips mentioned above, consider enlisting a professional organizer’s help.

Someone who sorts through the clutter for a job will help keep you focused and less distracted. Even the most task and goal-oriented people may get sidetracked.

Professional organizers are most helpful when you are sorting through inheritance.

Since they have no attachment to the estates, they will make it much easier and quicker for you to make reasonable decisions on which pile to put the items in.

Reminders for storage unit organization

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to finding a place to store all of your items.

Renting a storage unit is a great way to get organized, but understanding how to organize a storage unit is an important step to ensure efficiency.

Here are some reminders to help you organize your storage unit over the weekend:

Don’t start with a large area

Take on smaller areas one at a time.

Ensure you have sorted everything in that area before moving on to the next one.

Prepare a space for everything you are taking out from the self-storage unit

If you are vacating the unit permanently, make sure you have a prepared space to relocate the items you are planning to keep.

Let go of the things that no longer serve you

Keep the things you will be bringing home to a minimum.

Consider permanently removing the items you no longer need instead of just transferring the clutter and mess somewhere else.

Be creative in getting rid of things in your self-storage unit

If there are many things of good value, it would be better to keep renting the unit for another month while you try to sell them off.

If you have been following the tips we have stated above, then the contents of your unit should be sorted into four categories (keep, donate/sell, store, and toss).

When you are done organizing, it is time to remove everything.

Consider following this order when moving items:

Throw away all the trash

If there is excessive trash to fit in the dumpster they have in the storage facility, you may consider hiring a professional junk removal company.

Reach out to a representative of an association where you can donate the items you want to get rid of and can still be of use to others.

Contact someone that can receive the items you will be donating

The items that are no longer useful to you might still serve someone out there.

You can contact the charity of your choice to let them know you will be donating, or if you know someone in need, you can personally deliver it to them.

Load your car or truck

Load the things you will bring home with you into your vehicle.

Place the items you would like to sell in one place for further assessment

When decluttering a storage unit, it is important to place the items you would like to sell in one place for further assessment.

This allows you to ensure you are utilizing the space effectively and maximizing the use of the storage unit.

Additionally, by putting items you may need to access near the front of your unit from time to time, you’ll save time and energy when searching for specific items.

This could include cold- or warm-weather clothing, holiday decorations, files and paperwork, or camping supplies.

Taking the time to organize your items efficiently also helps prevent them from getting lost or damaged.

Finally, if you prepare your home for sale, a self-storage unit can help you declutter your living spaces to show off the home’s features.

Start the process of selling

There are various ways of selling the items from your self-storage unit.

The option with the least hassle is to sell all the unit’s contents through an auction company or for better pricing, and you can choose to sell each item separately.

You can use popular platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

However, you can try Etsy or eBay if your items are considered valuable.

You can also host a yard sale if you prefer the traditional route.

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